Affiliates of the TUD

IP consultations and searches

Assisted IP (intellectual property) consultations and searches at the Patent and Trademark Centre enable scientists to gain valuable insights into the structures of patent or trade mark databases, for example, or how to formulate an IP search request.

Search results comprise numerous similar or identical patents, utility models, trade marks or designs, presented in bibliographic or full-text form. The documents can be sent in an Excel spreadsheet via direct link.

Questions can also be clarified at this point. Depending on the subject, searches can be carried out online (as part of an “Info Guide” appointment) or on site.

Before making an appointment, please clarify your request for an IP consultation or a search for industrial property rights and the possibility of a reimbursement or fee reduction with the Dezernat VI Forschung und Transfer/HIGHEST Gründungs- und Innovationszentrum and state your TU e-mail address when arranging an appointment.

Our service:

IP strategy consultation for beginners in relation to patents/utility models/trade marks/designs

  • active consultation online or on site
  • reduced prices for affiliates of the TU Darmstadt
  • contact requests and appointments

An IP strategy consultation is the first port of call for information relating to industrial property protection. How should you proceed, for example, if you want to protect a product or business idea, an app, a new technical solution or piece of scientific research? After your consultation session, you can arrange an appointment for a patent, trade mark or design search. This offers you a targeted search enabling the best possible preparation for your application for an IP right.

Patent and utility model searches

  • active search online or on site
  • reduced prices for affiliates of the TU Darmstadt
  • contact requests and appointments

Stephan Cradock

Phone: +49 6151 16 76500


Trade mark or design search

  • active search online or on site
  • reduced prices for affiliates of the TU Darmstadt
  • contact requests and appointments

Ismail Idrissi Belkasmi

Phone: +49 6151 16 76500
