Our partners in the region

In order to be able to offer our customers the best possible support with their various IP-related (IP – Intellectual Property) tasks, the work of the Patent and Trademark Centre Rhine-Main is boosted by cooperation and collaboration with the following institutions:

Other partner networks

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Patentinformationszentren e.V.
The Patent Information Centres (PIZ) in Germany are recognised partners of the German Patent and Trade Mark Office. Between 2007 and 2016 the Head of the PIZ Darmstadt, Rudolf Nickels, was chairman of pizNET.

Guilds and Chambers of Commerce

IHK Hessen innovativ offers tailored consultation on all subjects related to technology and innovation throughout Hesse. Members have access to advice, expert contacts, information events and further training.

IHK Darmstadt

Rhein Main Neckar

The Darmstadt Rhine-Main-Neckar Chamber of Commerce is a public body based in Darmstadt.

HA Hessen Agentur GmbH

HA Hessen Agentur GmbH

Within the Hessen ModellProjekte framework, up to 49% of project outlay for R&D projects is funded in cooperation with a number of scientific and economic partners based in Hesse.

Chambers of Commerce

Chamber of Commerce



Chamber of Commerce



Other expert partners

Technologie Transfer Netzwerk Hessen

We boost your innovative power

The innovation support team advises you on the funding landscape and the wide variety of options for creating a culture of innovation in Hesse.

European Commission

enterprise europe network


Netzwerk Gründung Südhessen


Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft HESSEN
The Kreativwirtschaft Hessen office at the HA Hessen Agentur GmbH works on behalf of the Hessian Ministry of Economics as a point of contact and interface for the state’s cultural and creative industry.

Gründerwoche Deutschland
Germany needs dedicated entrepreneurs. The nationwide “Entrepreneurship Week Germany” campaign seeks to promote a culture and spirit of entrepreneurship and encourage start-ups.